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What is a deep integration?

A deep integration allows end-users to book and ride Vois’ through partner apps.

Payment flow

When a user finishes a ride, Voi calculates the total price of the ride and returns this to the partner. The partner then charges the end-user for the ride. Regularly, the partner will provide Voi with invoicing material, including a list of refunded rides, VAT, and the total amount owed, per day and city(CEST timezone). Voi will then create an invoice with potential commissions deducted and send it to the partner. The invoice will be sent in the local currency of each city. How often invoices are sent is defined in the contract between Voi and the partner.

Prices and fees

Pricing is under active development and constantly evolving, but it typically consists of a fixed fee and a minute fee. Below are other conditions that will also effect the price of the ride. The price will always be returned so that you can charge the end-users.

End ride fines If the user leaves the scooter without locking it, Voi will manually end the ride with a cost corresponding to the time when the scooter stopped moving and send a warning to the user. If the user leaves the scooter unlocked again, we will also end the the ride when the scooter stopped moving and add a fee of 25€. This fee will be included in the end-ride charge.

Short rides For rides before 1st of January 2024, if the users ride for less than 100 meters or less than 2 minutes, we will not charge for the ride. It is optional for the partner to present receipts and/or add these rides to the invoicing material. after 1st of January 2024, we will charge for all rides.

Refunds The partner is responsible for performing refunds. When this is done is defined in the customer support criteria. Sometimes, Voi customer support also requests the partner to perform refunds.

Parking fees and other charges post-ride Voi doesn’t perform any charges after the ride is ended.


The partner is responsible for making sure they can collect the money from the end-user, including fraud prevention. (Voi does a 5€ pre-auth payment before the first ride. The partner can do whatever they want.)